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Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Solitary Robot Searches In The Darkness

This painting came about as a direct antitheis to "Majestic Robot", you will note that the colours are in opposite positions (mostly). I had a revelation that the subject would not be painted, rather the gaps left unpainted would represent it (although I'm hardly gonna claim I'm the first person to ever do that). Its a dark painting, no doubt, and the colours are blended very sparadically, which I like. Its subject matter is the oppposite of "Majestic Robot" which is about perservering, this is about uncertainty and doubt. The robot is not even sure what he's searching for, but search it must. I don't know if I would ever sell these two paintings, they act as major reference drawings for all my work, and this particular painting, despite being my second attempt, is one of the peices I would be most proud of.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Majestic Robot Stands Tall When The Wind Howls

This was the first robot picture I painted. I had been painting a different robot picture at the time, but I hadn't really planned out the idea and it wasn't turning out at all how I saw it in my minds eye (however I used this idea to much better effect in a later painting). I'm not obsessed with robots (entirely) I just thought it would be easier to paint if I always knew what I would be painting. I think I simply had a lot of excess paint that i'd squeezed out of the tube and onto where I was mixing and so slapped it down roughly on the a smaller canvas. I got a bit engrossed and did the whole thing in half an hour to an hour (I work at speed, especially on smaller canvasses). I really like trying to blend the colours, its a major part of my work, although its basic in this peice, to say the least. All my pictures have captions on the side to explain the scene a bit and to try and give a metaphor, but I decide all this stuff after when I look at the finished article, I find its best just to use the spark and then decide how the finished product makes me feel.


These robots march right out of my mind and right onto a canvas, there is no art school, no expensive materials, no cocktail parties, no expression-ist crap, no big money. Just me, and some good friends who have given me help along the way, I'm creating my world on a canvas, be a part of it...