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Thursday, 26 January 2012

“And Then We Take New York”

There’s a lotta black and white going on in TRT recently. I’ll colour something soon, promise! Meanwhile, I just sketched this wee gem watching a fashion documentary, and some other good stuff too. I have never been to New York

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Blackest Night

“Blackest Night”
If you haven’t worked out by now, there’s no particular pattern or theme to my work, I like to try everything. Hence this little homage to film noir. It was only meant to be a sketch but it was going well so I watercoloured it straight away. However, I realised after that the perspective on the robot is wrong, all wrong!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

“So Many Stars, Only One Sky. Where Do They Go, When The Moon Says Goodbye?”

I did this sketch a while back, haven’t been sketching a whole heap lately, due to time constraints, but I’m working on a few ideas.
I like the wording on this, I’m sure it’ll get used at some point, it’s a nice child-like (or should that be childish?) illustration.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Monday, 16 January 2012


Whilst I’ll not get my second painting finished this weekend as I hoped, I did sketch this today. Although The Robot Takeover tends to bask in the splendour of it’s hypercolour glory, there is a decidedly darker side to it (and me, by extension). I’d been reading a lot of Spawn this weekend, although it doesn’t always show in my drawing I’m a big comic book fan, I’d love to do some kind of TRT comic.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Lone Road

Serving My Time

So this is hopefully the first of two new paintings this weekend. Again I used my new paint ‘screening’ technique and gave it a while to dry. Wording, as per usual, is from the album ‘Turn Off the Bright Lights’ by Interpol, the track ‘NYC’. I did the sketch a while ago and it seemed like the right time to paint it.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

This was just me laying the paint, this canvas in no way looks like this any more. There are now not one but two new Robot Takeover works on the way, and I'm pretty damn excited about both.

Back to the Forest

So for anyone who doesn’t know, sometimes I like to go for walks in the forest with my dog, clear my head a little. I took lots of good pictures today, I’ll put some more up soon.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hoard Everything

This is what it takes to make a robot takeover. New painting very soon. Hypercolour is back.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Evolution, Simplified.

Yeah, this is what I do when I should be revising, take pictures of random crap around my room, of which there is a lot

Friday, 6 January 2012

Death or Glory

This is a robot having a wee Piccachu moment and shooting some lightning at some space invaders. As you do.
As you can see I’m trying new things with my robots themselves, in The Robot Takeover nothing is a constant.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Spin the Wheel

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Augmented Reality

After getting annoyed at how long Fairground of the Soul took me and how disappointed I was at the result, I literally put it to one side, grabbed a blank canvas and did this.
I work better when I’m being spontaneous, and I’m really pleased with this. Although it won’t be dry for some time.

Fairground of the Soul

Ok, so I spent a long while on this painting, layering it up and scraping paint off. I don’t think it was worth it though, I messed up the ferris wheel. I might do more work to it, I might throw it down a well, who knows…