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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Stencils, not pencils

Expect some stencil badness very soon... I got blogger on my new iPhone, meaning my pictures are better and it's much easier for me to blog from this, so i'll be doing it more often, yay!

Monday 12 September 2011

Float like a butterfly, but don't be stinging people

Here's another robot I haven't stuck up yet. To be honest I found the canvas for this lying in a puddle so I dried it out and spray painted over the weird photoprint of two ugly toddlers that was on it already. Cos I was broke.
This picture, pretty much exactly as you see it, came into my head when I was walking the dog, which is how I get a lot of my ideas. Sometimes they need development, but sometimes your first instinct is your best. Little bit of advice to take with you there robot fan(s).

The View From The Afternoon (from my bed)

I've been getting into a wee bit of photography of late, mainly using the Hipstamatic app on my Iphone which has lots of lovely filter and lens combinations. Here's a moody wee shot I took from my bed. Yes, I have a robot clock.

Hot Chips

Ok, so it's been a while since I updated this, largely due to it being the summer and me running around like a gleeful toddler, barefoot. But now its September and I have had to put socks and shoes back on and come inside out of the rain. And I've been neglecting this ol' blog a bit of late too, but don't worry robot fans, there has been plenty going on in terms of paintings, I shall endevour to bring y'all up to speed.

This one right here was on I gave a wee hint at a while ago, it took a lot longer than I expected though. It was done to cheer up a good friend, and I tried to inflect some kind of mixture between 1950's cartoons and French noveau art. The words, as per usual, aren't mine and come from 'Alley Cats' off of the album 'One Life Stand' by HotChip, which is a great album that I shouldn't sing along too cos my voice doesn't go that high