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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Hard at Work

Layering my new painting is taking longer than I thought, but it'll be worth it

Saturday 24 December 2011

Like Clockwork

Well robot fans, it's Christmas eve, and I seem to have slipped a disc or something and am currently lying flat on the floor.
This year has seen some big changes and something of a coming of age for the robot takeover, and a rejuvenation of this blog, moving beyond purely robots and into photography too. 

I just wanna say a big thank you for every view, every positive comment and every Facebook like, it's what keeps this hobby going. Art's not about making money, it's about making your mark. If I wanted to make money I'd be doing observational landscapes or pretentious portraits. But I'm not, I'm painting robots, and trying to share with you what I see in my minds eye.
I leave you with this pic I took last night, Merry Christmas and goodnight

Friday 23 December 2011

A Very Robot Takeover Christmas

Continuing my last post, this was my Christmas card effort. I wanted it to be really old skool. It's a homage to the old Bing Crosby Christmas specials (even though I'm nowhere near that old). I was going for a 50's feel, and attempting to highlight that Christmas is all about looking dapper and drinking spirits

McNeices Christmas Card Effort

This year, long time helper of the Takeover, McNeice and myself decided we would do eachother Christmas cards. This is her effort, modelled on the necklace she sent me a while ago, and it makes excellent use of textures I must say, she gets a big dinosaur stamp for her efforts

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Darkest Night

If a tree falls in the forest, do the other trees cry?

Friday 16 December 2011

Frozen Forest

I went to the forest yesterday, everything was frozen. This was a nice change because I didn't get as muddy as I usually do. I did still get wet feet though, I was cracking frozen puddles and I got a bit ambitious...

Friday 9 December 2011

The Good Fight

I'm bored in class in uni, so I sketched this wee gem, I don't usually put up crappy file pad sketches, but this homage to World War 2 propaganda's probably not going to get developed any further

Mystic River

A rare pic without any filters or any of that guff, cos I didn't wanna lose the effect of the mist, if it ain't broke... Haven't actually gone for a woodswards dander in a while, cos it's pretty damn cold.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Happy Bhuddas

I collect Bhuddas, every time I go away I get one. I like fat happy ones. I figure it's good luck. It can't be bad luck. Can it?

Thursday 1 December 2011


This particular sketch was done a long while ago, in a different place, both physically and in my state of mind. A lot of things have changed since then. I don't know if this particular illustration has sufficient depth to carry into a painting, what with being based on a Crystal Castles song and everything.

In other news, I assure you there WILL be at least one (large) brand new robot takeover painting very soon. Oh yes. And it will be dark. Preliminary sketches were started last night, updates as and when stuff happens